Religious Orders, Convents, and Congregations
in St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Cross & Passion Sisters
3 Carberry Road, Maryfield, Dublin 9.
Tel: 837 7256

Cross & Passion Sisters
22 Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Tel: 01-8336077 & 01-5598511  Email:

Dominican Sisters
204 Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Tel: 837 1575/837 9550

Sisters of Mercy (Auckland)
Charlemont, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.

Sisters of Nazareth
Malahide Road, Dublin 3.
Tel: 833 8205

Sisters of Our Lady of Charity
4 Beechlawn, High Park, Grace Park Road, Dublin 9.
Tel: 836 8887

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary
70 & 72 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9.
Tel: 837 9898/ 837 68311

Alexian Brothers
47 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9

Rosminian Fathers
Clonturk House,
16 Ormond Road, Dublin 9.
Tel: 6877014

