A group of young volunteer altar servers attend at Sunday Masses and other liturgical occasions.

This is a small dedicated team of volunteers, who work to decorate and adorn the Parish Church each week, with flowers and arrangements. As always new volunteers are welcome.
Contact the Sacristy if you wish to become involved.
Phone: 833 2772

Please look at the special section of the site to see the role of the Child Protection Team and the Parish Policy.
Contact the team at the parish office for issues or concerns.

Church Stewards are Ministers of Hospitality who assist at Masses and liturgical occasions on a voluntary basis.
If you are interested in becoming a steward or in helping at various times during the Church’s year, please contact the Parish Office/Sacristy
Phone: 01-8332772

Some cleaning and weekly upkeep of the inerior of the Church is undertaken by parishioners on a voluntary basis. New volunteers are always needed.
Please contact the Sacristy if you feel that you can contribute an hour or two of your time to maintain the Church fabric
Contact : Sacristy
Phone: 833 2772

12:30pm Community Mass Group
In coordination with the parish Catechist the musical group prepares and provides liturgical music for the preparation and occasions of the Sacraments of First Holy Communion, Confirmation and other liturgical occasions.

The Finance Committee manages the day-to-day expenditure of the Parish and plans finance for capital projects. The work of the committee is very important in the smooth running of the Parish and in light of the many legal responsibilities which parishes now have.
This committee is always open to volunteers who have particular accounting or financial experience.


This group assists families in preparing the Funeral Mass for their loved ones if required.
In the event of a bereavement please contact the sacristy if the assistance of the funeral team is welcome.
The team works to
• Offer support to bereaved families and help them organise themselves for the Funeral Mass for their loved one
• Put in place any special requests they may have – as appropriate

The hospitality group consists of volunteers who assist with providing tea, coffee and refreshments for ad-hoc parish events as they arise.
If you are interested in volunteering please leave your name into the sacristy or the Parish officeThe work of this group provides a communal parish forum where people can sit and chat and allows us to serve our parishioners in a relaxed and caring environment.
To contact the Sacristy please phone: 01 8332772





The Liturgical Art group works to enhance the Church with banners and symbols for the various Masses and liturgies, including Feast days, Holy Week, Christmas etc.
As always volunteers are welcome.
Please contact the Sacristy if you are interested in contributing your skills and talents to this group
Contact phone number: 01 8332772

The Liturgy Group meet on a monthly basis at 7:30pm. They prepare all the special Liturgies during the year, e.g. Easter, Christmas, Lent and special feasts within the Church. Please contact the Sacristy or Parish Office if you would like to become involved and or are specially interested in Church liturgy and in preparing and assisting in the liturgy.

Ministers are parishioners who are trained to distribute Holy Communion at Masses and in the homes of sick and elderly parishioners. Ministers serve on a rota basis during the week and at week-end Masses.
Please contact the Sacristy or Parish Office if you would like to become involved as a Minister or if you have moved into the Parish and were a Minister previously in another Parish
Contact: 01 833 2772

Ministers of the Word are Parish Volunteers who wish to participate in the liturgy of the Eucharist through the reading of the lessons and the Psalms.
Through this experience and contribution Ministers are led to a deeper understanding of the testament readings and participate more fully in the life of the Parish. People who are interested should make contact through the Parish Office. Training and advice will be provided to new readers in how to prepare and deliver the readings.Volunteers are rostered for reading having regard to their declared preference for times of Masses, availability etc
The Contact Number is: 01 833 2772

PARISH CHOIR(Click on link below to hear Choir)
Marino Choir 

The Parish Choir is a mixed choir, with the various vocal ranges included. The choir sings at 11:00am Mass on Sundays and other liturgical occasions.
Choir Practice is every Monday evenings at 7:30pm in the Marino Room. New members are always welcome. Please leave your name in to the Sacristy for the attention of the Director, if you think that you would like to join and have an interest in choral singing.
Musical Director: Linda McGann.

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a group of 9 volunteer parishioners working with the Parish Priest on planning for the parish and looking at ways in which the Parish can grow and develop into an open, welcoming community for everyone.

The Council meets at 7.30pm on the first Thursday of the month.  Contact details:


Fr. Tom Noone, P.P. – President

Teresa Ayres – Chairperson

Mary Dillon – Secretary

Maedbh Bellintani Counihan

Alan Eustace

Paul Hennessey

Debbie Johnston

Cora O Farrell

Mairead Rushe

Contact: Through the Parish Office  on 01 833 2772  or e-mail


The St. John the Baptist Conference of St. Vincent de Paul works to relieve hardship in the Parish and also in the Ballymun area. The Conference meets at 8:00pm each Monday in the Annadale Room.
New members urgently required.
Contact: Parish Office, St. Vincent de Paul Church,
Tel: 833 2772

There are two safeguarding Representative in the parish who are responsible for the promotion of best practice and compliance with diocesan safeguarding policy at parish level, together with the Parish Priest, they form the Parish Safeguarding Committee


Religious Orders, Convents, and Congregations
in St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Cross & Passion Sisters
3 Carberry Road, Maryfield, Dublin 9.
Tel: 837 7256

Cross & Passion Sisters
22 Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Tel: 8377657/833 6381

Dominican Sisters
204 Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Tel: 837 1575/837 9550

Sisters of Mercy (Auckland)
Charlemont, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.

Sisters of Nazareth
Malahide Road, Dublin 3.
Tel: 833 8205

Sisters of Our Lady of Charity
4 Beechlawn, High Park, Grace Park Road, Dublin 9.
Tel: 836 8887

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary
70 & 72 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9.
Tel: 837 9898/ 837 68311

Alexian Brothers
47 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9

Rosminian Fathers
Clonturk House,
16 Ormond Road, Dublin 9.
Tel: 6877014
